Serendipity (2001) is a Jon Cusack and Kate Beckinsale film about love and you can see ample information about it below. It is available for free on the web.
A good example of Resilience in a relationship, while a comedy, and fantasy, is the film, Serendipity, starring John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. The two leads are both of high Intelligence, and they fall in love over witty banter, only much later to discover how important that Beliefs are in the survival of a romance, or in this case, even a "star-crossed love." The film also wonderfully highlights how a high IQ indicates an equal amount of left-brained and right-brained intellect, since the male lead (Cusack) sometimes seems to be a King and at other times, more of a romantic Lover personality, while Beckinsale's character sometimes is the hard-driving Warrior personality, but at other times, is outright magical in her words and behavior.
While a fantasy, it is a study in the kind of persistence, and Resilience that lasting couples can only hope to strive for if they are to make it in today's pessimistic, divorce-ridden world. Both of them bounce between the vices of Capriciousness (too flexible and Resilient, as if to quickly get over the loss of their love), and being Frail (and utterly broken inside, at the repetitive loss of each other, just slipping through each other's grasp time and time again through the story. That is, until they finally surrender to the Faith that they are destined to be together and the Belief in the spiritual power of love over the miles. Faith is a close analogue of Resilience in the realm of the spiritual connection of romance.
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- -Although strangers Sara and Jonathan are both already in relationships, they realize they have genuine chemistry after a chance encounter – but part company soon after. Years later, they each yearn to reunite, despite being destined for the altar. But to give true love a chance, they have to find one another again.