A source of energy in females which is the equivalent of passion or "life force," and which is more than just a "style" of behavior. It is inborn, an instinct, not learned. It is the same as "passion," but not in any vague sense of the word. Femininity is female passion specifically coded as an inborn set of instincts that unconsciously guide those who have it, to successfully reproduce, and to survive in general. Romantic Dynamics extends these two genetic prime directives into the modern day context to mean, "automatic romantic instincts of sexual attraction," and gender-based instincts that when seen in unconscious, automatic behaviors, lead the individual to feel immediately "more alive," excited, "full of life," (as seen in modern consumer purchasing behavior.)
This is not to say that one's sense of "spiritual purpose" is left out of the experience of femininity. It is simultanously logical to conclude that the two Darwinian/Freudian scientific principles above, govern it, but femininity also gives a person possessing it, a core feature of the "sense of self," or identity. In spiritual terms it is the "goddess principle within." So, femininity is revealed in its subtleties in the form of the instincts of the goddesses in the ancient myths and Greek plays.
It is very energetic, and is amplified by some very specific things like ownership of resources, education and the utility of technology and the assistance of friends or partners in obtaining resources, privacy, and especially the instinct to create or “give birth to” - whether an artistic creation, a new business, or actual children. These gender instincts are richly highlighted by the greek goddesses.
It is the opposite of drawing on sociology or the mere "opinion" of others, "gender-roles" that can shift or change, and it has synonyms in instinct, passion, and sexiness. It doesn't matter if it is felt by those who are attracted to the same gender or opposite gender, so long as one's core identity identifies with it.
Then, in purely romantic terms, when it is expressed to others with masculinity and a masculine identity, it amplifies that identity in them, and sexually attracts them in so doing, and when expressed to those who also have femininity, it amplifies itself in them through gender-affinity based friendship and collegiality that one could call "sisterhood," or a profoundly deep automatic, instinctual friendship felt by kin. Expressing it makes one more powerful and alive, then, while also making the recipient more powerful and alive.