The Gender Instincts described in Romantic Dynamics are simple to understand if you view biology that is enduring over time as more powerful than the small ups and downs of sociology, which is so dependent on cultural differences in brief moments in time.
We discuss instincts as being unconscious, automatic drivers of behavior that occur whenever we are not fully paying attention, with that universal skill of personal growth, Observing Ego.
According to Darwin, and paraphrasing Freud, there can only be two primary functions of the instincts: to keep us alive as individuals (or a species), and to reproduce. We take the former, to have Survival Instincts, to be gender-neutral, which is to say that all humans, male or female, startle at a loud noise, or make use of the "Fight or Flight Instinct" when there is a threat that suddenly appears. However, this can be extended from life-threatening situations, into situations where one feels an impulse to be even more excited and alive with what can be called, "passion" for life. What Freud called, "Libido."
The other type of instinct - those of reproduction - most certainly divide in two: the sets of instincts that are colloquially called, "Masculinity" and "Femininity." These two are the Gender Instincts that we refer to, and regardless of one's sexual preference or body type, any kind of attraction, whether it takes place in physics, or in biology, must have a "polarity" between two opposite kinds of energy or nature. In the case of sexual attraction as the very first phase of human courtship, these two sets of instincts - masculinity and femininity - must carry polarity between two people in order for there to be sexual attraction, and a reproductive drive between them.
As a result, each type of Gender Instinct, can be said to have a multitude of specific, individual instincts which we piece together in the dance of early courtship that is the first phase, where Desire or Lust occur.
These are the Masculine Instincts and the Feminine Instincts, and no matter what your political or sociological persuasion, or sexual preferences, modern consumer behavior offers us a wealth of information that suggests that when given the presentation of something enticing, impassioning, and alluring, masculine and feminine people differ greatly in what they buy on impulse, which means that they also make purchases unconsciously, the same principle that houses both impulsiveness, as well as masculinity, femininity and passion - the Reptilian Brain area of the mind.
And so no matter who you are, if Masculinity is at your core of identity in the unconscious, automatic behaviors you do, then you will buys certain things when presented them, and people with Femininity at their core of identity, will automatically, unconsciously purchase many very different things on average. Corporate profits depend on this, a very serious matter that can't be explained away as "learned behavior." It is not learned at all, but has lasted through all time, through these two sets of instincts.
We take a richer approach than just the modern studies of consumer purchasing. We borrow form the ancient Greek myths for the historical perspective - one which we theorize has lasted as a storytelling tradition, precisely because of the universal nature to such stories, which last through time, and can't just be explained away through some sort of patriarchal dominance. If people felt that an idea was fake, they won't buy it, and if they think a story doesn't speak to them, they won't tell it any longer.
This study of Masculine Instincts, and Feminine Instincts will allow us to both from the stories of the gods and goddesses of ancient Greece in order to understand the individual instincts of Masculinity and Femininity.
Such ideas pertain to the Reptilian Brain, and for further study, you may want to: